Psalm 037 without Footnotes

Tenach – Psalm 37


  • The following is a literal rendering of the psalm.
  • This version contains no explanitory notes.
  • I made non-existing verbs when necessary to reflect the Hebrew language of the psalm.
  • Don’t overlook the pronouns.
  • Be sure to establish the correct timing of these events.
  • Don’t overlook minor details. (For example, “trust via” and “trust upon” are not the same.)


If you desire an explanation of any part of this rendering, please use the contact information found on the website ( I will look forward to your questions and comments.


1. To David. Do not heat via bad-causers. Do not envy via doers of evil.

2. For they will be quickly fronted as grass. And they will wilt/be-foolish as greenness of an herb.

3. Trust via Yehovah and do good. Abide a land and feed faith.

4. And delight thyself upon Yehovah. And He gave requests of thy heart to thee.

5. Roll thy way upon Yehovah. And trust upon Him. And He will do!

6. And He will make-exit thy Righteous-[One] as light and thy justice as noon!

7. Be-silent to Yehovah. And whirl-thyself to Him. Be-thou not fury-hot via a prosperity-causer of his way, via a man doing plots.

8. Refrain from a nose and forsake heat. Be-thou not fury-hot except to the bad.

9. For bad-causers shall be cut. And hopers of Yehovah—they, they shall inherit land!

10. And yet a little, and there isn’t a culpable-[one]. And thou wilt make-thyself-understand concerning his place. And he isn’t!

11. And humble-[ones] shall inherit land. And they shall-delight themselves concerning multiplicity of peace!

12. A culpable-[one] plotted to a righteous-[one]. And he will gnash his teeth upon him.

13. My Lords will laugh to him. For He saw that His day will come!

14. Culpable-[ones] opened a sword. And they directed their bow to fell a humble-[one] and a poverty-stricken-[one], to slaughter straight-[ones]-of Way.

15. Their sword shall come into their heart! And their bows shall break!

16. A little is good to a righteous-[one] from [more-than] the crowd of many culpable-[ones].

17. For arms of culpable-[ones] shall break. And Yehovah supports righteous-[ones].

18. Yehovah knows days of their perfection. And their inheritance shall be to Hider.

19. They shall not be shamed in a bad time. And they shall be satisfied in days of famine.

20. For culpable-[ones] shall perish. And enemies of Yehovah finished as preciousness of lambs. They finished in smoke!

21. A culpable-[one] joins. And he will not make-peace! And a righteous-[one] is favourable, and gives.

22. For his blessers will inherit land. And his light-esteemers will be cut!

23. Steps of a valiant-[one] were established from Yehovah. And his way will-be-desired.

24. For he will fall; he will not be hurled. For Yehovah upholds his hand.

25. I was a youth. I also aged. And I didn’t see a righteous-[one] forsaken and his seed requesting bread.

26. He favours all the day. And he joins. And his seed is to a blessing!

27. Depart from bad. And do good. And abide to Hider!

28. For Yehovah loved justice. And He will not forsake His Graced-[ones] to Hider. They shall be guarded. And the seed of culpable-[ones] shall be cut!

29. Righteous-[ones] shall inherit land. And they abode to onward upon her!

30. Mouth of a righteous-[one] will meditate Wisdom. And his tongue will speak justice.

31. Teaching of his Gods is in his heart. Thou will not slide his advances!

32. A culpable-[one] ‘surveils’ to a righteous-[one] and requests to kill him.

33. Yehovah will not forsake him into his hand. And He will not ‘culpabilize’ him in his being judged.

34. Hope unto Yehovah! And guard His Way. And He exalted thee to inherit land. Thou shalt see in causing-cutting of culpable-[ones].

35. I saw a culpable-[one] a terrorist, and stripping himself as a green native.

36. And he crossed-over. And behold, he isn’t. And I requested him. And he wasn’t found!

37. Guard-[thou] perfection. And see straightness. For an afterward is to a man of peace!

38. And transgressors shall be exterminated unified! Afterward of culpable-[ones] was cut!

39. And aid of righteous-[ones] is from Yehovah, their Strengthener in time of Tribulation!

40. And Yehovah helped them. And He ‘escaped’ them. He will ‘escape’ them from culpable-[ones]. And He ‘Salvationed’ them because they refuged in Him!