Psalm 037 without Footnotes

Tenach – Psalm 37


  • The following is a literal rendering of the psalm.
  • This version contains no explanitory notes.
  • I made non-existing verbs when necessary to reflect the Hebrew language of the psalm.
  • Don’t overlook the pronouns.
  • Be sure to establish the correct timing of these events.
  • Don’t overlook minor details. (For example, “trust via” and “trust upon” are not the same.)


If you desire an explanation of any part of this rendering, please use the contact information found on the website ( I will look forward to your questions and comments.


1. To David. Do not heat via bad-causers. Do not envy via doers of evil.

2. For they will be quickly fronted as grass. And they will wilt/be-foolish as greenness of an herb.

3. Trust via Yehovah and do good. Abide a land and feed faith.

4. And delight thyself upon Yehovah. And He gave requests of thy heart to thee.

5. Roll thy way upon Yehovah. And trust upon Him. And He will do!

6. And He will make-exit thy Righteous-[One] as light and thy justice as noon!

7. Be-silent to Yehovah. And whirl-thyself to Him. Be-thou not fury-hot via a prosperity-causer of his way, via a man doing plots.

8. Refrain from a nose and forsake heat. Be-thou not fury-hot except to the bad.

9. For bad-causers shall be cut. And hopers of Yehovah—they, they shall inherit land!

10. And yet a little, and there isn’t a culpable-[one]. And thou wilt make-thyself-understand concerning his place. And he isn’t!

11. And humble-[ones] shall inherit land. And they shall-delight themselves concerning multiplicity of peace!

12. A culpable-[one] plotted to a righteous-[one]. And he will gnash his teeth upon him.

13. My Lords will laugh to him. For He saw that His day will come!

14. Culpable-[ones] opened a sword. And they directed their bow to fell a humble-[one] and a poverty-stricken-[one], to slaughter straight-[ones]-of Way.

15. Their sword shall come into their heart! And their bows shall break!

16. A little is good to a righteous-[one] from [more-than] the crowd of many culpable-[ones].

17. For arms of culpable-[ones] shall break. And Yehovah supports righteous-[ones].

18. Yehovah knows days of their perfection. And their inheritance shall be to Hider.

19. They shall not be shamed in a bad time. And they shall be satisfied in days of famine.

20. For culpable-[ones] shall perish. And enemies of Yehovah finished as preciousness of lambs. They finished in smoke!

21. A culpable-[one] joins. And he will not make-peace! And a righteous-[one] is favourable, and gives.

22. For his blessers will inherit land. And his light-esteemers will be cut!

23. Steps of a valiant-[one] were established from Yehovah. And his way will-be-desired.

24. For he will fall; he will not be hurled. For Yehovah upholds his hand.

25. I was a youth. I also aged. And I didn’t see a righteous-[one] forsaken and his seed requesting bread.

26. He favours all the day. And he joins. And his seed is to a blessing!

27. Depart from bad. And do good. And abide to Hider!

28. For Yehovah loved justice. And He will not forsake His Graced-[ones] to Hider. They shall be guarded. And the seed of culpable-[ones] shall be cut!

29. Righteous-[ones] shall inherit land. And they abode to onward upon her!

30. Mouth of a righteous-[one] will meditate Wisdom. And his tongue will speak justice.

31. Teaching of his Gods is in his heart. Thou will not slide his advances!

32. A culpable-[one] ‘surveils’ to a righteous-[one] and requests to kill him.

33. Yehovah will not forsake him into his hand. And He will not ‘culpabilize’ him in his being judged.

34. Hope unto Yehovah! And guard His Way. And He exalted thee to inherit land. Thou shalt see in causing-cutting of culpable-[ones].

35. I saw a culpable-[one] a terrorist, and stripping himself as a green native.

36. And he crossed-over. And behold, he isn’t. And I requested him. And he wasn’t found!

37. Guard-[thou] perfection. And see straightness. For an afterward is to a man of peace!

38. And transgressors shall be exterminated unified! Afterward of culpable-[ones] was cut!

39. And aid of righteous-[ones] is from Yehovah, their Strengthener in time of Tribulation!

40. And Yehovah helped them. And He ‘escaped’ them. He will ‘escape’ them from culpable-[ones]. And He ‘Salvationed’ them because they refuged in Him!

Psalm 005 with Footnotes

Psalm 5

1. To the overcomer1 unto the executors.2 A ballad3 to David.4


2. Ear5 my sayings, Yehovah. Understand my meditation.6


3. Prick-up7 to the voice of my plea-for-help, my King and my Gods! 8 For I will pray9 unto Thee.


4. Yehovah, morning,10 Thou shalt hearken-to my voice. Morning,10 I will order11 to Thee, and I have closely-watched! 12, 13


5. For Thou art not a Mighty-One14 delighting-in culpability.15 Bad16 will not sojourn Thee.17


6. Boasters shall not take a stand straight-in-front-of18 Thine eyes. Thou hated all workers of willful-lust! 19


7. Thou shalt damn20 speakers of a lie.21 Yehovah will abominate22 a man of bloods23 and deceit!


8. And I, I will come, Thy House,24 in the multiplicity of Thy Grace! 25 I will worship26 unto the Temple of Thy Holy-[One]27 in Thy fear!28


9. Yehovah, favour me via Thy righteousness for-the-sake-of29 my overlords.30 Straighten Thy Way to my faces.31


10. For there is no establishment32 in his mouth. Their approach is ruins.33 Their throat is an open sepulchre.34 Their tongue shall divide.35


11. Incriminate36 them, Elohim! 37 They shall fall from their counsels! Thrust-them-out via multiplicity of their transgressions! 38 For they were bitter39 into40 Thee!


12. And all refugees in Thee have rejoiced to Hider! He will ululate! And Thou blanketed upon them! And He exulted! Lovers of Thy Name are in Thee!


13. For Thou, Thou shalt bless a righteous-[one], Yehovah! Thou shalt crown him desirability41 as a piercing-shield.42



NOTE: Some footnote topics cover numerous texts. They have been recorded, and will be copied into documents discussing those topics. If you see footnote repetition from one text to another, this will explain why.


Regarding the accuracy of these conclusions: Were I gifted by the Spirit of Yehovah to do this work, it would be infallible, as was the case for all ministerially gifted persons in the Bible. No true prophet of God ever erred while prophesying. No true teacher of God ever taught any erroneous teaching. The standards of God have not changed, and the Spirit of God hasn’t weakened over the centuries. Since I am not gifted, my conclusions contain numerous errors, and must be considered and challenged if you (the reader) will not be deceived. I know some answers are correct, but I will have to change some answers as I learn more and as folks like you show me that my proposed answers need changing. If you don’t like this factor of uncertainty, ask Yehovah to give me a ministerial gift along these lines in His Word so that I can give infallible responses. If He does so, you will then be responsible to believe whatever He communicates through me. In the meantime, don’t be a sucker.


Regarding Hebrew words: If you see what appears to be computer nonsense when a Hebrew word is being discussed, your computer does not have the font to view it. If you desire to see the same article with the Hebrew word being visible and correct, let me know; I will send you a PDF form of the same document. (You will need an Adobe Acrobat reader to see it, which is freely available from the Adobe web site.) I have tried to remove all Hebrew words from the document I placed on the web to minimize this confusion.


1 The root of overcomer according to Gesenius’ lexicon means to excel, be bright, be preeminent, be perpetual, be overseer, be enduring; to act as overseer or superintendent or director or chief. The noun form has the following acceptations (according to Gesenius): eminence, perpetuity, strength, victory, enduring, everlastingness; endurance in time, perpetual, continual, unto the end. Biblical usage, however, directed me toward overcomer, one who is victorious and who endures. This has connected with numerous other texts throughout the Bible.


2 These executors are female. They will make sure inheritances are properly divided. How did I derive this definition for this Hebrew word? Lexicographers thought this word referred to a musical instrument. I did not agree. I noticed that this word appeared related to another word meaning inheritance. The verb root of this word means to inherit. One form (the Hebrew form called hiphil) is causative, meaning that this verb form causes to occur whatever the verb means. It often obtains the yod in the position of the word we are considering. If the verb means to inherit, the causative means to cause to inherit. One who causes others to inherit is an executor. Since this noun is feminine, plural, I rendered it the way I did.


3 A ballad is a story in song that tells of a person’s acts. While ballads can be mythical, Biblical ballads are never mythical, giving infallible information in their stories. Biblical ballads are nearly always future events, recorded as if they have already occurred.


4 David literally means beloved, but comes from a root supposedly meaning to boil. It is more like a lover, showing intense passion (not necessarily bad if the relationship is appropriate).


5 Ear is a coined word (a word I made up). While the ear of a human or animal is a noun, this is a verb in the Hebrew. Any noun in Hebrew can be made into a verb, and vice versa! This is intentional and part of Yehovah’s design of the language. To ear is to cause one’s own ear(s) to pick up what is being communicated, and it is also cause one’s own internal ear (of the mind) to pick up the message being communicated.


6 A meditation is a deep, relaxed thought. It is sometimes pictured by rumination in ruminants (like sheep and cattle) that chew, swallow, then bring up what they swallow into another stomach area to again ingest more. One who Biblically meditates on the Word of God thinks carefully about it literally, desiring to understand its implications and connections.


7 This is a ‘childism’ in the Bible, an expression that a child would understand better than many adults. When some animals hear a faint or unusual noise that might be significant, they make their ears stand up and/or focus on the sound. This is pricking-up.


8 Elohim means gods. When Elohim refers to Yehovah, it is describing Him as being all the true Gods there are. He is God of the mountains, God of the heavens, God of the seas, God of fruitfulness, God of justice, etc. The word is still plural, but normally demands a singular verb. When Elohim refers to false gods, it can also take a singular verb (when those referring to elohim are speaking of their gods), but often takes plural verb forms.


9 Prayer (of this type) comes from a root verb meaning to intervene, interpose, pray, to mediate, judge, to intercede. The main flavour can be described this way: rolling out details in order to properly determine what is appropriate. The Bible has several different words describing different types of prayer. This is the most common.


10 English would demand “in the morning,” but this would change the meaning. The focus is not so much on Yehovah’s hearkening in the morning (versus at any other time), but rather on the prophetic morning that the Word of God has indicated that Yehovah will turn all things around for the speaker. The text is worded in a way that makes it sound like the speaker is out of breath! (That is what occurs when the wording becomes very short.)


11 Ordering is not telling Yehovah or anyone else what to do, but rather is setting things in order in preparation for something. The speaker will be placing all things in order, waiting for Yehovah to arrive and to do what He has promised.


12 The verb I rendered closely watch could also be rendered by the coined word perspicuate from an already existent word perspicuous. It means to see through something that would be hard to penetrate or to see. This word carries with it the flavour of one expecting to see something that will (at least at first) be quite difficult to clearly see. It is like what a wolf does when it looks toward a sound, standing very still with immobile focus.


13 Whenever a past-tense verb immediately follows a future-tense verb in a related sequence in Hebrew, the past-tense verb shows result and will certainly follow once the future act is done. For example, one might say in English, “I will go to the store, and I will pick up some bread.” Biblical Hebrew would word it, “I will go to the store, and I have picked up some bread.” This construction shows certainty that the past-tense action will follow the future-tense action.


14 The Hebrew word el literally means mighty-one, and can refer to a human as well as to God. It is only indirectly related to elohim (which normally refers to God/gods). A mighty one is known for great deeds of power and other abilities. I am not familiar with el referring to females.


15 Culpability indicates guilt/responsibility for an act (usually bad) at any level of guilt. A person who spills sugar is culpable of spilling sugar; a person who murders thousands is culpable of murdering thousands. Culpability does not indicate intensity. Folks who actually murder others are culpable; folks who could have rescued some who were murdered, but didn’t, are also culpable.


16 The Hebrew word ra means bad, and refers to any type of harm or destruction. It never refers to moral or ethical evil. Moral and ethical Evil is expressed in the Hebrew word tlwa, pronounced ‘evelet,’ from the root pronounced ‘evil’ (believe it or not!). It is used far less than ra, bad.


If a city is destroyed, bad would be used. If a person’s finances go to indebtedness, bad would be used. The results of sin are bad. Sin itself is a great evil.


17 English grammar would demand the construction, “Bad will not sojourn with Thee” or “Bad will not sojourn in Thee.” Either one will change the meaning, however. Yehovah is the Place in several Scriptural texts. If you care to know more, use your tools to look this up.


18 The Hebrew word neged means straight-in-front-of, but also carries with it a secondary and very important flavour: equality. Yehovah saw that Adam had no one straight-in-front-of him to help him, so He took Eve out of him. Another Hebrew word with the simple meaning of to the faces of (‘in front of’) is used far more often.


19 The word Iniquity is aven, and has the following acceptation, according to the lexicon: trouble, wickedness, sorrow, idolatry. Yet, other Hebrew words carried these definitions. I sought a related word to find what it actually meant, and found eevah meaning desire, lust, will, and not necessarily with an evil connotation (used one time of Yehovah!). Yet, aven always carries an evil connotation. Thus, I propose that this word means willful-lust in an evil sense, that extremely strong desire to have one’s own way at any cost to anyone and everyone else. This is the basis and foundation of all idolatry!


20 The Hebrew word has the following acceptations according to the lexicon: perish, vanish, go astray, be destroyed, be exterminated, to blot out, do away with. Since another word rightly covers blot out, I have chosen another acceptation that combines perish with do away with. This is to damn. This word goes beyond execution, having to do with the everlasting state of destruction for some. Perish doesn’t quite have the force of this word.


21 Lie is almost always singular in the Bible. The Bible seems to refer to one lie in particular. We researched this lie, and determined (to our satisfaction) that it referred to the original lie: that man, by knowing good and evil, can be as Elohim (Gods). Determine this for yourself.


22 To abominate is to consider something or someone morally and/or ethically disgusting, contemptible.


23 Bloods is plural, because the killing of one person also destroys all that person’s potential offspring (having different bloods—Yehovah knew that different persons had different blood types and different genetic compositions). The killing of many is the destruction of bloods. A man of bloods is a man who either delights in shedding blood or has been a successful warrior. King David was a man of bloods without being guilty before Yehovah in his legitimate warfare.


24 English would demand that ‘into’ or ‘to’ be added: “I will come into Thy House” or “I will come to Thy House.” These both change the meaning. “I will come, Thy House” identifies the speaker and the House!


1 Peter 4:17 For the time is that judgment must begin at the House of God. And if it first is at us, what shall the end be of them who obey not the gospel of God?


25 Grace is a fervent, ardent zeal by which one is actuated. Defined a little simpler, grace is a very strong, burning zeal (conviction and drive to do something) by which one is motivated to take action regarding anything. That action can be on behalf of someone or something, or it can be against someone or something. It is like a mother who is both protecting her baby from an attacker (grace toward her baby) and is attacking the attacker at the same time (grace against the attacker). Many have rightly heard that Salvation is by grace (though few know what this means), but very few know that damnation is by the very same grace! Yehovah’s fervency and zeal is against those who spurn the price He paid in His grace, and who spurn His grace.


26 Worship, without exception, means to prostrate (lay flat, face down) oneself before another. This act can be performed for several reasons including: (a) to show humility before another, (b) to make an urgent request, (c) to demonstrate the willingness to fully serve another, (d) to surrender to another, (e) beg for mercy.


27 (Technical Explanation) Translators ignored the Hebrew construction of a noun followed by an adjective with a connected pronominal ending, choosing to render it as if it were a noun with a pronominal ending followed by an adjective. This ignores Biblical Hebrew grammar rules. The adjective that has a pronominal ending becomes a nominal adjective (an adjective that behaves as a noun). An English example of this is the adjective green. “The grass was green.” Yet it can become as a noun: “They golfed on the green.” I maintain that the two following examples greatly differ:


His Holy mountain


Mountain of His Holy-[one]


The first describes who owns the holy mountain. The second shows that the holy one that he owns in turn owns the mountain.


I do not know why translators have traditionally ignored the Hebrew grammar. I refuse to ignore what I see in the Hebrew. I believe that the Word of God (in the original manuscripts) is infallible. Why should I ignore anything?


28 Fear (as of God) in the Bible never means ‘reverential awe’ since this is far too weak a definition. It is a very strong emotional and ethical response against bringing wrath against oneself by displeasing another, along with a knowledge of what terrible things that other can do,and is often combined with a very strong emotional and ethical desire to please another if that other is good, along with a knowledge of the good things that other can do. The proper fear of Yehovah always prods a person to refuse to sin, and to do good works.


29 For-the-sake-of in English means for the benefit of, but the Hebrew does not necessarily mean that. It also carries the flavour, ‘in order to teach a lesson to’.


30 Overlords are cruel taskmasters.


31 Faces is always plural in Hebrew; every living thing has more than one face (depending on the being’s rank, responsibility, mood, etc.), and the singular of face would mean turn (as in “He turned a corner”). To my faces indicates a position where the speaker is looking.


32 The word nachon in Hebrew is used for ‘true’ in modern Hebrew. It really means established, however, from the root to establish.


33 Ruins are as expected in English; they can refer to the results of a destroyed city.


34 That is an open grave or an open grave building.


35 You must determine what their (plural) tongue (singular) will divide.


36 Incriminate here means to cause to be found guilty of great wrong.


37 Elohim means gods. When Elohim refers to Yehovah, it is describing Him as being all the true Gods there are. He is God of the mountains, God of the heavens, God of the seas, God of fruitfulness, God of justice, etc. The word is still plural, but normally demands a singular verb. When Elohim refers to false gods, it can also take a singular verb (when those referring to elohim are speaking of their gods), but often takes plural verb forms.


38 A transgression is crossing over a command’s boundary by doing more than the command allowed or by doing less than the command stipulated. Trans means cross, and gress means go. The term transgress is only used for violations of commands that amount to sin (against God or against a ruler).


39 Bitterness may seem far less serious than rebellion. Rather than being far less serious, however, it is different. Rebellion is taking a stand against authority. It isn’t merely disobeying that authority, but taking a stand against it. Bitterness is the result of a lasting hurt or offense, and can be accompanied by an unrelenting anger. Most bitterness is destructive. An exception occurs with Naomi (Book of Ruth) whose bitterness leads to Ruth’s Salvation and the lineage of King David (and thus, the Messiah). Apart from such an exception, bitterness that is not put away often leads to sin and to the determination to harm the innocent. Bitterness is the cause of some Moslems’ becoming suicide destroyers. Their deity has not taken action the way they thought, so they have determined in their bitterness to help their deity, and supposedly to obtain a reward. Almost all acts of violence arise from bitterness. Thus, rebellion’s initial seed is bitterness.


40 Bitterness isn’t so much against a target as it is the desire to do harm into a target! It is that personal.


41 English would demand, “Thou shalt crown him with desirability.” This would change the force, however. Him and desirability are being made identical (as if they are the same thing). If the statement had been, “Thou shalt crown him king,” no one would read it as if it were saying, “Thou shalt crown him with king”; that would make no sense. Him and king become identical; he will be king. In the same manner, he will be desirability in Yehovah’s eyes, and in the eyes of others. This desirability will act as a piercing-shield (see the next footnote).


42 (Technical) The meaning of the Hebrew word tzinah seemed shrouded in mystery. Lexicographers and translators thought it was a defensive weapon, like a shield. Yet, it also seemed to be like a barb of some type. The following text shows the difficulty:


Psalm 35:2 Take hold of shield and buckler (tzinah), and stand up for mine help.


If Yehovah will stand to help, He will not have two defensive weapons, but at least one offensive weapon. A buckler is a small shield. Will Yehovah stand up with two shields? But the next verse (Psalm 35:3) states,


Psalm 35:3 And draw out the spear!


Thus, He could use more than one form of shielding for the sake of the speaker, but Yehovah is not in need Himself of any defense. He is providing it for the speaker. I propose that He will have an instrument that will act as a shield of the speaker, a barb against the enemy. And His spear will be in addition to that so that He can slaughter. Yeshua is a shield to His own, and a piercer and slaughterer to His enemies (who refuse to turn).


I considered the root of the word tzinah, looking at tzin and tziah, the latter referring to dryness. (Mount Zion’s name comes from this.) I thought of the Hebrew shin, the word for tooth, and it seemed related (because in Hebrew, similar-sounding words are often related).


The lexicographer’s acceptations of tzinah were the following: something piercing, hook, barb; coolness, cold (of snow); shield. I saw that a shield and a barb were opposites in weaponry, unless a shield was constructed with a barb. I could not easily reconcile coldness of snow with these, until we considered that snow can act as a shield (especially if it covers footprints) and as a weapon in that it can slow pursuit.


In this Psalm 5 text, Yehovah is crowning the righteous-one with desirability as a tzinah. If a tzinah (whatever it means) is used both defensively and offensively, it is a very desirable item, for it can keep one safe in the heat of battle or attack.


Since magan means shield, I did not desire to use the same meaning twice. Thus, I put piercing shield (Angela’s proposal) to give this idea.


Psalm 004 with footnotes

Psalm 4

Literally Rendered with Footnotes

1. To the overcomer1 via strummings.2 A ballad3 to David.4

2. Answer/Humble5 me in my calling, Gods6 of my righteousness! Thou hast broadened7 to me in Tribulation.7 Favour me and hearken8-to my prayer.9

3. Sons of a man, unto what is my importance10 for calamity? 11 Ye shall love emptiness! 12 Ye shall seek a lie! 13 Cast-up! 14

4. And know ye that Yehovah has segregated15 a graced-one16 for Himself! Yehovah will hearken8 in my calling unto Him!

5. Shake-ye-with-anger! 17 And do not sin. Say18 ye in your heart19 upon your bed, and be ye silent! 20 Cast-up! 21

6. Sacrifice-ye sacrifices22 of righteousness. And trust ye unto23 Yehovah.24

7. Many are saying, “Who will show us good?” Ensign25 upon us a light of Thy faces, Yehovah.

8. Thou gave happiness in my heart. They26 have increased from the time of their grain and their new-wine.27

9. I will both lie down and I have slept28 in peace. For Thou, Yehovah, alone shall make me dwell securely! 29


NOTE: Some footnote topics cover numerous texts. They have been recorded, and will be copied into documents discussing those topics. If you see footnote repetition from one text to another, this will explain why.

1 The root of overcomer according to Gesenius’ lexicon means to excel, be bright, be preeminent, be perpetual, be overseer, be enduring; to act as overseer or superintendent or director or chief. The noun form has the following acceptations (according to Gesenius): eminence, perpetuity, strength, victory, enduring, everlastingness; endurance in time, perpetual, continual, unto the end. Biblical usage, however, directed me toward overcomer, one who is victorious and who endures. This has connected with numerous other texts throughout the Bible.

2 Guitars? I chose guitars since the Hebrew word indicated strummed instruments. Many stringed, strummed instruments can fit this description, so if you protest this choice, consider the options. The timing of the text will determine instrumental availability and existence.

3 A ballad is a story in song that tells of a person’s acts. While ballads can be mythical, Biblical ballads are never mythical, giving infallible information in their stories. Biblical ballads are nearly always future events, recorded as if they have already occurred.

4 David literally means beloved, but comes from a root supposedly meaning to boil. It is more like a lover, showing intense passion (not necessarily bad if the relationship is appropriate).

5 The same Hebrew word that means answer also means humble (both verbs). Context normally distinguishes between two definitions of words that are spelled the same way, but I have found numerous texts using this word in which I cannot distinguish; they are both equally true! Yehovah designed the language, and He sovereignly made sure those two words were that closely linked. Thus, I now frequently render that Hebrew word with ‘answer/humble’ so that the reader can see this.

6 Elohim means gods. When Elohim refers to Yehovah, it is describing Him as being all the true Gods there are. He is God of the mountains, God of the heavens, God of the seas, God of fruitfulness, God of justice, etc. The word is still plural, but normally demands a singular verb. When Elohim refers to false gods, it can also take a singular verb (when those referring to elohim are speaking of their gods), but often takes plural verb forms.

7 Broadened and Tribulation have a common concept. Tribulation has the flavour of a tight squeeze: being put into a bind. Broadening, on the other hand, has the opposite flavour. This is the provision of an escape so that the bind and tight squeeze are (at least temporarily) stopped. The Hebrew word for broadway or boulevard is the noun form of this word.

8 Hearken is not the same as hear; it also includes doing. The Hebrew uses a verb form of ear, also, which is more akin to hearing.

9 Prayer (of this type) comes from a root verb meaning to intervene, interpose, pray, to mediate, judge, to intercede. The main flavour can be described this way: rolling out details in order to properly determine what is appropriate. The Bible has several different words describing different types of prayer. This is the most common.

10 Glory means weight or importance. Its use is exactly like the English idiom, “Man, that’s heavy!” used by Hippies, and showing that something was important.

11 The Hebrew word is cleemah. I quickly saw the sound-relationship between cleemah and calamity. I thus render this as calamity.

12 Emptiness (Hebrew, reek) is one of several descriptions of an idol!

13 Lie is almost always singular in the Bible. The Bible seems to refer to one lie in particular. We researched this lie, and determined (to our satisfaction) that it referred to the original lie: that man, by knowing good and evil, can be as Elohim (Gods). Determine this for yourself.

14 Selah literally means cast-up, referring to mounting road base up for highway building. Highways are built higher than the surrounding lands so that they will not easily be washed out during heavy rains. Readers have usually not considered the importance of highways in the End Times (a great mistake!). Yehovah will conduct many back to Mount Zion, routing them over highways He has prepared. Selah texts (highway texts) give vital information to returners so that they can survive on the way.

15 Segregation is not always evil. Yehovah segregates for the purpose of service. He segregated Israel from the other races so that Israel can serve the other races, bringing His Word and His Truth to them by means of teachings in the form of show-and-tell.

16 Grace is a fervent, ardent zeal by which one is actuated. Defined a little simpler, grace is a very strong, burning zeal (conviction and drive to do something) by which one is motivated to take action regarding anything. That action can be on behalf of someone or something, or it can be against someone or something. It is like a mother who is both protecting her baby from an attacker (grace toward her baby) and is attacking the attacker at the same time (grace against the attacker). Many have rightly heard that Salvation is by grace (though few know what this means), but very few know that damnation is by the very same grace! Yehovah’s fervency and zeal is against those who spurn the price He paid in His grace, and who spurn His grace.

You must determine who this graced-one is.

17 Shake-with-anger is all in this word! It indicates a strong trembling, but also indicates a very strong anger.

18 The command, Say, is present, but the text does not indicate what to say.

19 Your is plural, while heart is singular (the same is true for your and bed). Folks involved will have a single heart. The heart is usually the mind in the Bible, though it can also be the center of something.

20 The Hebrew word dōm seems directly related to the English word dumb (silent); I consider their definitions the same.

21 Footnote 14 describes about Selah. Being silent is a vital, life-saving command! What is occurring?

22 With some exceptions, sacrifices include blood being shed. (Some sacrifices are of grains and breads.) When a command to sacrifice occurs, the reader can know that the price is very high.

23 Unto shows direction toward the target. Trusting in Yehovah is not the same as trusting unto Yehovah. In shows that the persons are already settled regarding Yehovah. Unto shows that the persons are not necessarily initially settled that way.

24 Yehovah is a contraction (abbreviation) of the three tenses of the Hebrew verb, to be:

He will be, He is, He was


Take just the bold letters (if your program allows you to see bold), and you will have


which is the correct pronunciation of His Name, and which means He will be, is, was. This also defines part of His Character (changelessness) and existence status (He always was, is and always will be).

25 I constructed the verb ensign because I could not find another way to show the act of constructing and demonstrating a sign. Signify would not give the right flavour. A sign is nearly always miraculous, and if it isn’t miraculous it is so unlikely that its probability is nearly zero.

26 See if you can identify the objects of this and all pronouns.

27 New wine is always potently alcoholic. It has a sharp flavour, whereas aged wine is much smoother. It is never non-alcoholic grape juice.

28 The second verb (slept) is past-tense because it shows result. In the Hebrew language, when a past-tense action follows a future-tense act, it is because it will certainly follow once the future act is done. For example, one might say in English, “I will go to the store, and I will pick up some bread.” Biblical Hebrew would word it, “I will go to the store, and I have picked up some bread.” This construction shows certainty that the past-tense action will follow the future-tense action.

29 Be sure to establish the timing of this entire Psalm.




Psalm 002 with footnotes

Psalm 2


Literally Rendered with Footnotes


1. Why have races1 raged? 2 And folks3 will meditate4 emptiness! 5

2. Kings of land6 shall position7 themselves. And rulers8secreted’ 9 unified concerning Yehovah10 and concerning His Messiah:11

3. “We shall break their bonds! 12 And we have slung their ropes13 from us!”

4. Sitter14 in the heavens shall laugh! 15 My Lords46 shall deride16 at them!

5. Then He shall speak unto them via His nose.17 or 18 And He will terrify them via His heat! 17 or 18

6. “And I—I 19 poured20 my king upon Zion the mountain of my holy-[One]!” 21

7. “I will scroll 22 unto a statute of Yehovah. He said unto me, ‘Thou art My son! I, today, I begat Thee! 23

8. Ask from me, and I will give races, thine inheritance,24 and disappearings25 of land, thy possession! 26

9. Thou wilt shepherd27 them with a rod of iron. Thou wilt shatter them like vessels28 of the potter!’” 29

10. “And now, kings, be prudent!30 Be ye corrected,31 judges32 of land! 33

11. Serve34 ye Yehovah via35 fear! 36 And circle-dance37 ye with trembling! 38

12. Kiss-ye [the] Son39 lest He will be infuriated, and ye have damned a way! 40 For His nose17 will burn41 as a little!” 42

Happy43 are all refugees44 in Him! 45

NOTE: Some footnote topics cover numerous texts. They have been recorded, and will be copied into documents discussing those topics. If you see footnote repetition from one text to another, this will explain why.

Regarding the accuracy of these conclusions: Were I gifted by the Spirit of Yehovah to do this work, it would be infallible, as was the case for all ministerially gifted persons in the Bible. No true prophet of God ever erred while prophesying. No true teacher of God ever taught any erroneous teaching. The standards of God have not changed, and the Spirit of God hasn’t weakened over the centuries. Since I am not gifted, my conclusions contain numerous errors, and must be considered and challenged if you (the reader) will not be deceived. I know some answers are correct, but I will have to change some answers as I learn more and as folks like you show me that my proposed answers need changing. If you don’t like this factor of uncertainty, ask Yehovah to give me a ministerial gift along these lines in His Word so that I can give infallible responses. If He does so, you will then be responsible to believe whatever He communicates through me. In the meantime, don’t be a sucker.

Regarding Hebrew words: If you see what appears to be computer nonsense when a Hebrew word is being discussed, your computer does not have the font to view it. If you desire to see the same article with the Hebrew word being visible and correct, let me know; I will send you a PDF form of the same document. (You will need an Adobe Acrobat reader to see it, which is freely available from the Adobe web site.)

1 A race is a large group of individuals who are all the offspring of the same ancestral mother and father. The Hebrew word h¨, goy, only means race or nation (a nation is a race, and is always a race in the Bible; never a country). The term gentile is another way translators render goy. They are then expressing the meaning, an individual of another race besides Israel. I don’t fully disagree with this definition, but it actually means a race, and should always be viewed that way. One more way translators translated goy was heathen. They reserved this rendering for texts in which the heathen was doing an idolatrous (or some other evil) practice. I am always against the rendering heathen because it carries with it an editorial that the word itself does not carry.

2 This shows a tumult, a chaotic, angry or frightened crowd.

3 I rendered this word folks to indicate cultural groups. The lexicographers seem to have a difficult time distinguishing this word from the regular word for people, peoples. I gained the impression that it referred to cultural groups, and found folks (as in folk art) was close to its meaning.

4 A meditation is usually a deep, relaxed thought. It is sometimes pictured by rumination in ruminants (like sheep and cattle) that chew, swallow, then bring up what they swallow into another stomach area to again ingest more. One who Biblically meditates on the Word of God thinks carefully about it literally, desiring to understand its implications and connections.

In other texts, however, it is a deep thought that precedes and accompanies a plot.

5 Terms of emptiness and vanity always refer to idolatry in the Bible (unless a container is being discussed). Idols are even called the vanity of the races. Any plot against Yehovah is considered an emptiness since it is an idolatrous plot that will never go anywhere.

6 This Hebrew word means land. Translators often rendered it earth as if it referred to the whole planet, but it only means land. It can refer to all the land (above the water) on the earth, or it can refer to a particular land. It usually refers to Israel when it is not modified.

7 This act of positioning has to do with taking a stand (literally), setting oneself in a place, determined to hold that position.

8 Rulers means bosses, leaders (like clan leaders), warlords.

9 I have coined a verb from the word secret. (One may already exist.) This indicates getting together in secret to plan secret plans.

10 Yehovah is a contraction (abbreviation) of the three tenses of the Hebrew verb, to be:

He will be, He is, He was


Take just the bold letters (if your program allows you to see bold), and you will have


which is the correct pronunciation of His Name, and which means He will be, is, was. This also defines part of His Character (changelessness) and existence status (He always was, is and always will be).

11 Messiah is a transliteration (making a word in one language that sounds similar to the word in another language) of Meshiakh, the Hebrew being 8jh!A7n. It literally means one anointed, referring to the act in which a prophet pours olive oil (in large amounts) over the head of someone to designate that that person has been chosen and empowered to do a task (whether good or bad). It is drawn from what some shepherds do with their sheep, using oil to keep bugs and problems from the sheep’s ears and face so that the sheep can graze with little distraction. Yehovah’s Messiah is the One Yehovah anointed to be and do very specific salvational and redemptive functions, as well as rule His People Israel.

12 Bonds come from a verb with the following acceptations: to chasten, admonish, to instruct, to discipline.Thus, these bonds are moral in nature, and they restrain from sin, violence, immorality, etc.

13 Ropes comes from a verb meaning to wind, weave, weave together. These folks feel tied!

14 You might carefully consider Psalm 110:1 in light of this text.

15 While related to the name Isaac, it isn’t spelled exactly the same. The lexicographer showed these acceptations: to laugh (usually in contempt or derision), play, mock, to sport. I don’t think this will be funny!

16 This word has the following acceptations: to mock, deride, ridicule. These are strong reactions from the Living God!

17 The nose is most often used to describe great anger. It is often combined with a word having the following root meaning: to be hot with vexation, furious, burn, become angry, be kindled, be incensed. The heat of the nose is a ‘childism’ (a word or expression that a child can understand more easily than an adult), since a child held close can feel the heat of an adult’s nose. This also pictures an angry bull on a cool day, with the heat of its nose being one of the major symptoms of its anger. The English expression, “He has his nose out of joint” at least brings the nose into the picture, and “Man, is he hot!” combines heat with anger. Yehovah’s anger is shown through His nose. No fire-breathing dragon can match!

18 This word has the following root meaning: to be hot with vexation, furious, burn, become angry, be kindled, be incensed. It is combined with the nose to describe great anger. The heat of the nose is a ‘childism’ (a word or expression that a child can understand more easily than an adult), since a child held close can feel the heat of an adult’s nose. This also pictures an angry bull on a cool day, with the heat of its nose being one of the major symptoms of its anger. The English expression, “He has his nose out of joint” at least brings the nose into the picture, and “Man, is he hot!” combines heat with anger. Yehovah’s anger is shown through His nose. Even Leviathan’s fury doesn’t match this!

19 Past- and future-tense verbs have built-in pronouns. I note when a pronoun is supplied in addition to the built-in pronoun by placing the two same pronouns. Thus doubling is a great emphasizer (that translators just ignored).

20 This word has the following lexicographic acceptations: to pour out (as a libation), pour, offer, cast (metal images); to anoint. The last acceptation isn’t right, since another word (Mashakh) means to anoint.

This text gives a picture as if Yehovah is making an idol: He is metal casting His image on Mount Zion—the difference being that His image is truly a Living God! It also gives another picture: He is pouring a libation (a sacrifice that is in the form of a liquid, usually referring to a wine sacrifice) on Mount Zion!

21 (Technical Explanation) Translators ignored the Hebrew construction of a noun followed by an adjective with a connected pronominal ending, choosing to render it as if it were a noun with a pronominal ending followed by an adjective. This ignores Biblical Hebrew grammar rules. The adjective that has a pronominal ending becomes a nominal adjective (an adjective that behaves as a noun). An English example of this is the adjective green. “The grass was green.” Yet it can become as a noun: “They golfed on the green.” I maintain that the two following examples greatly differ:

His Holy mountain

Mountain of His Holy-[one]

The first describes who owns the holy mountain. The second shows that the holy one that he owns in turn owns the mountain.

I do not know why translators have traditionally ignored the Hebrew grammar. I refuse to ignore what I see in the Hebrew. I believe that the Word of God (in the original manuscripts) is infallible. Why should I ignore anything?

22 The Hebrew word sefer is normally translated book. Yet it always refers to a scroll. The verb root has the following lexicographic acceptations: to accurately count, recount, relate, to number, take account of, reckon, rehearse, declare. This is the purpose of a written document.

A scroll differs from a book in a vital way. A book is bound in such a way that the pages can be easily turned, and several pages can be viewed together. A page can also be removed and/or lost without being obviously missing. A scroll, on the other hand, has pages tied one to another, a page to only two neighbours at the most. Pages distant from each other cannot be easily accessed. If a page is missing, the scroll falls into two segments. The scroll’s intent is to be read through consecutively, while a book may be spot-read in various places (possibly ignoring contexts). While the scroll is far less ‘handy’ for many types of study, it is far more excellent presenting data in a continuous manner. Even modern computers using scrolling.

23 Do not assume that you know to what this refers! Make sure you know by an appropriate cross-reference.

24 Try this to obtain the sense: “I will give races to thee for thy inheritance.”

25 The Hebrew word x3p#t, ephess, has the following lexicographic acceptations: to cease, break, come to an end, finality. It is not the same as cease in Shabbat, however. It is more like a Hebrew word for zero. When combined with eretz, land, it indicates those places where the land stops and waters begin. I rendered it disappearings to show this and to distinguish it from the more commonly used edges or ends of the land (a different word).

26 Possession is a ‘childism’, a word that is more easily understood by a child than by an adult. It literally means a grasping. I left possession in place because that is a right understanding of the word.

27 While some translations use break for this word, claiming the Hebrew root to be eer, I noted the following textual citation:

Revelation 2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my Father.

Thus, I determined that the correct root is her meaning to pasture, tend, graze, feed, to shepherd. Curiously, the first acceptation for the Greek word cited in Revelation 2:27 for rule means to feed, to tend a flock, keep sheep! Thus, the Greek needs to be likewise adjusted!

28 I used Revelation 2:27 to determine that vessels should be plural. The Hebrew spelling of the construct case (a technical and frequently used Hebrew form that always assumes an of between that word and the next noun) allows for both the singular and the plural, and the context would have to determine which is in view.

29 (Exactly why will He shatter them in this manner? Think!)

30 This Hebrew word has the following lexicographic acceptations: to be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper, to look at or upon, have insight, to give attention to, consider, ponder, have comprehension. A person who is prudent is very considerate and diligent, carefully determining the best possible course of action or inaction.

31 This Hebrew word has the following lexicographic acceptations: to be chastened, admonished; to be instructed, disciplined. I used corrected because it takes from all the acceptations.

32 A judge is one who renders a decision based on presented evidence. A judge who has the Spirit of Yehovah is one who renders a right decision based on Truth (which includes all the facts).

These judges are secular (and/or idolatrous). Yehovah is giving them warning.

33 This Hebrew word means land. Translators often rendered it earth as if it referred to the whole planet, but it only means land. It can refer to all the land (above the water) on the earth, or it can refer to a particular land. It usually refers to Israel when it is not modified.

Judges of land (or, judges of a land) refer to land judges. Yehovah is a heavens Judge!

34 Service and slavery are hardly distinguishable in the Bible. While slavery always has an evil connotation in English, it does not automatically carry with it that connotation in Hebrew. Everyone is a slave: some to sin, others to righteousness, but all are slaves. Some were slaves to other human masters, and some were over slaves, but all in the Bible have masters. Thus, servant and slave cannot be easily distinguished in the Bible (if at all).

35 I often use via in translations for the Hebrew prefix c (the letter beit). Normally, this prefix supposedly means in, into, with, through. It often shows the means of something occurring if it isn’t showing location (in, into, with). While through can show the means, it can also reflect piercing (which is changing location from the outside to the inside). The Latin/English word via best declares by means of, and this is a very useful and appropriate rendering for many cases of the prefix c (the letter beit).

Serving Yehovah in fear and serving Him with fear are not as strong as serving Him by means of fear.

36 Fear (as of God) in the Bible never means ‘reverential awe’ since this is far too weak a definition. It is a very strong emotional and ethical response against bringing wrath against oneself by displeasing another, along with a knowledge of what terrible things that other can do,and is often combined with a very strong emotional and ethical desire to please another if that other is good, along with a knowledge of the good things that other can do. The proper fear of Yehovah always prods a person to refuse to sin, and to do good works.

37 Acceptations of the word lyg (geel) or lwg (gool) supposedly include to rejoice, exult, be glad, to tremble (from fear). I disagree. I maintain that the root actually is llg, galal, meaning to roll, roll away, roll down, roll together, and in this form meaning to roll-dance or to circle-dance. I especially found this connection in the famous modern Hebrew song, “Hava, Nagilla” meaning “Come-on! We will circle-dance!” with nagilla being (I propose) from the root above.

Circle-dancing is a group expression of joy.

38 This form of trembling is very strong.

39 The is added. The Hebrew word r8c, bar, is an alternative word for son (the normal word being i3c, ben) made famous in the expression, bar mitzvah, ‘son of the commandment’. Since Son did not have the before it, a specific Son is in mind. (Otherwise, it would read, “Kiss a son.”)

40 Damned a way makes no sense in English. The Hebrew word for damn has the following acceptations: perish, vanish, go astray, be destroyed, be exterminated, to blot out, do away with. Since another word rightly covers blot out, I have chosen another acceptation that combines perish with do away with. This is to damn. This word goes beyond execution, having to do with the everlasting state of destruction for some, and the total destruction for objects. Perish doesn’t quite have the force of this word.

While this way is not defined or described, it is often mentioned in the Bible. Folks who destroy this way for themselves will be damned. (The way itself cannot be destroyed or damned.)

41 This burning is truly a fire-type burning. He is far more frightening and deadly than any fire-breathing dragon (mythical), or even than Leviathan (real)!

42 This burning as a little is small compared to the great burning of the Lake of Fire and Sulfur!

43 Happy gives the sense of this word more than blessed, since blessed is covered with a much more frequently used different word. While some find fault with the origins of the word happy, it is a good word, describing one who is content, settled and pleased.

44 This word means to seek refuge, to flee for protection.

45 Why in the world would refugees in Him be happy? If you understand this, you understand much. (Don’t spiritualize.)