Blood and Sin

A Brief Look at Blood and Sin


  • Blood is where the life of the flesh is found.
  • Sin cannot go unpaid. Justice (a non-being) must be satisfied for every sin that occurs in the universe.
  • Sin can only be covered and/or removed by the blood of one of equal or greater value who has no sin. (Thus, no animal can cover or remove the sin of a human.)
  • No human born from Adam has come into the world untainted by sin. Thus, no human can die, shedding his/her blood, to cover or remove the sin of another.
  • Even a perfect human from birth could only cover or remove the sin of one other human, if that were possible. Since there are no humans born perfect in this way, and since all sin (if they live for any reasonable length of time), humans cannot cover others for sin. They can die so that others will live; that is heroism.
  • Yehovah cannot sin and has never been tainted by sin.
  • Yehovah’s value is infinitely greater than the value of all humans combined.
  • Yehovah is able to shed His own blood to cover the sin of the entire world. But… God cannot die.
  • Yehovah sent part of Himself, made mortal (that is, capable of dying) and in the form of a human (and thus, with blood) in order to die for the sin of the world.
  • That part of Yehovah is Yeshua (meaning salvation). He was born as a child without sin, lived without sin, voluntarily shed His own blood for the sin of the world, and rose from the dead.
  • Only those who have a truly Biblical faith (based on direct knowledge of what the Bible or some other infallible form of communication from the God of Bible says, not on what someone said about the Bible) in His blood have access to that Salvation (being saved) from sin.
  • Yehovah gave instructions for animal sacrifices so that adults and children could learn about such sacrifices through show-and-tell means. Animal sacrifices are therefore very important learning tools. They will be restored and active again before and during the Millennium.