How to Answer Theological Questions

How to Answer Someone’s Theological Questions


* DO NOT tell him what the text says (unless you have no Bible handy, and you are driving him somewhere; then you can do this; it is better than nothing in that case).
* Take him to the texts that are pertinent to his questions.
* Have him read the texts.
* Have him explain them to you.
* Correct him if he is wrong, explaining to him how to properly understand the text.
* Congratulate him for being able to properly read and understand the texts.
* Teach him about pronouns and timings.
* Teach him to use a dictionary.
* Be very patient with him; don’t begin thinking, “I must quickly answer his question.” Instead, think, “I must teach him what he needs to independently answer his own questions; I will not be around him to answer questions for most of his life.”

These will give him what he needs to be independent in the Scriptures. These will give him what he needs to properly hearken. He then can obtain a proper faith.

Always take his questions very literally (even if you know that he doesn’t mean what he literally asked). This is vital for him. That way, he will learn to ask what he really means. I have found that asking the wrong question will lead to no answer, while asking the right question will sometimes cause the answer to be obvious without even looking in the Bible! Taking questions literally is a vital part of his learning.